This week is my xxth birthday so I won’t write a long post. I’ll just state the obvious. I’m thankful for this life. I’m grateful for all who read these words. I even appreciate those who have better things to do than read my newsletter or listen to the podcast.
Writing and teaching as I have done these past few years is about as much as I ever wanted from my work. Everything else is gravy.
I don’t need any presents, but if you need a nudge to donate to a charity of your choice, by all means, don’t let me stop you.
If you want a really great read or want to get a jump on your Christmas shopping, here’s a link to my latest book.
The subscriber sale ends on my birthday this Friday. 20% off for new subscribers for one year. On the premium feed, I offer concise writing tips and propriety craft documents I’ve created. Feel free to share with the writer in your life!
That’s it. If you’re not loving life as much as I am, you’re just not trying hard enough, but I believe you can do better. Peace.
Good morning, and happy birthday!
Facilitator of hand to hand communication and inveterate lover of written wishing you; Live,Long & Prosper...