Greetings to new subscribers and welcome to Sitting in Silence, a newsletter for writers, readers, and thinkers. The interview is an ongoing feature of the newsletter. I love talking to writers and thinkers about inspiration, craft, and life. They never disappoint. So, from time to time, you’ll find these intimate and enlightening conversations in this space. This issue’s conversation is with non-profit leader Dr. Megan Holt.
Dr. Megan Holt is the leader of several New Orleans-based non-profit literary organizations including One Book One New Orleans. Megan is also a friend. As you’ll read in today’s interview, Megan is the epitome of an engaged local citizen. Tireless and capable, if Megan is involved in a project, I know that it will go well. We spoke about her incredible work ethic and goals for fostering literacy in our community. [Reader's note: One Book One New Orleans selected my latest book, The Ones Who Don't Say They Love You, for their city-wide program.]
As always, thank you to the premium subscribers who make this newsletter possible, especially those who just signed up. I appreciate your support. This would be much harder to do without your help.
Announcements: this very Saturday I’m teaching a fun online class called Craft Seminar: Introduction to Fiction Writing. If you’re looking for a starting point for new work, this is the place. We’ll also have plenty of time for question and answer sessions about fiction writing. Join us, won’t you?
Also, have you ever been to Maine? I have. It’s quite beautiful. And it’s even more beautiful because I’m teaching a class there called The Joy of Text. We’ll cover everything you need to know to write compelling stories and have them published. Spend your free time seeing the sights and replenishing yourself.
Now, for the interview with Dr. Megan Holt…
Maurice: What are your earliest memories of reading or writing stories?
Megan: My first word was "read"! I don't remember being unable to read because I was so young when I learned; my mom says I was barely three years old when I started reading books on my own. I don't remember specific stories from early childhood so much as I remember loving the sound of words. One of my favorite things to do was play my mom's records and read along with the lyrics. I would sit there, listening to the sound and looking at the line breaks for hours. That's probably why poetry is my favorite genre today because it's the most like music.
Maurice: You run several literary organizations in New Orleans, including One Book One New Orleans and the Words & Music Festival. You also teach and are, I believe, raising your beautiful boys to be literate citizens. When did you know that the written word was going to be an integral part of your life?
Megan: Though my two favorite classes were always English and History, I started college on the pre-med track, thinking I was going to be an MD who read a lot on the weekends. Then during sophomore year Michael Cunningham came to my college to do a reading from The Hours. The after-party was at my professor, Jill Christman's, house, and she invited me to attend. That reading and that party changed my life. I found my people. I started thinking about changing my major the next day.
Maurice: Hearing Michael Cunningham must have been such a special moment. I love Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, which Cunningham's book is based on. I love Cunningham's book. I love the film version of The Hours. And I've loved that soundtrack since I found it in a bargain bin like 20 years ago. It's the best writing music! Can you talk a bit about the purpose of your organizations? What do you hope they achieve?
Megan: That's a huge question! Long story short, One Book One New Orleans' purpose is to break down barriers that prevent people in our community from accessing books. These barriers could include poverty, low literacy, incarceration, or visual impairment. We know reading and writing can transform not just the life of one person, but also that person's children and their children's children; we want to help create that change. We also strive to bring readers from all walks of life together by creating free programming accessible for all. This goal of accessibility is also evident in the Words & Music Festival. Our hope is that all will feel welcome and will see themselves represented in the festival's lineup of authors and musicians. We want to create a space where all voices are valued and validated.
But the key to doing all of this is listening to others. I'm really proud to say that every time we've expanded our outreach or begun a new initiative, it's been in response to someone in the community expressing a need. That would probably be the ultimate goal of this work--to be the place where community members feel empowered to speak up about what they need, know that someone will hear them, and trust that we'll do our very best to get those needs met.
Maurice: Those are wonderful ideas. Empowering communities is, I think, one of the ultimate goals we should strive for as a society. What is the most direct way that people around the world can support literary organizations like yours?
Megan: As a nonprofit leader, I've learned that support comes in so many forms. Folks can volunteer their time and talent to help do the work. They can share news about the work that we're doing with other members of the community, either through social media or through word of mouth. They can make a financial contribution. They can invite us to have a table at an event so that we can let more people know about our mission. All these things are crucial to an organization's success. And of course, if someone reading this is feeling inspired and generous, they can head over to and hit that "Donate" button!
Maurice: What is your favorite work of literature (poetry or fiction or nonfiction) and why?
Megan: I am one of those horrible readers who doesn't have a favorite work of literature! There's just too much good stuff out there to pinpoint a single favorite. Toni Morrison's work is always toward the top of the list because her words feel like they have hands; they reach out and grab you and don't let go. DaMaris B. Hill's A Bound Woman Is a Dangerous Thing, a recent collection of poetry, continues to knock me off my feet. I've read it four times now, and what she manages to do with structure--especially making Prince lyrics into mathematical symbols--is absolutely amazing. Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas, edited by Rebecca Snedeker and Rebecca Solnit, will always hold a special place in my heart. Not only does it show us beautiful, unexpected ways to look at our city, it was the One Book selection back in 2014, my first year leading this initiative.
Maurice: One Book One New Orleans has such a great mission and excellent taste, as well. It wasn't until I hosted Clint Smith's latest book release that I realized how many of my favorite books were selected by OBONO: The Yellow House by Sarah Broom, Feel to Believe by Jarvis DeBerry, Counting Descent by Smith. Of course I'm biased about Unfathomable since I have an essay in it and even more biased about the current OBONO selection since I wrote it. lol You're one of the most efficient people I know. How do you manage your time so well? Were you always this way? Do you have any advice for people about time management?
Megan: HA! A friend recently said that she wants to meet my mother to confirm that I'm not actually triplets, because I work like there's three of me. I've always--for better or worse--had the tendency to take on really heavy task loads, so at least from my teen years onward I've been this way. I'm old-school when it comes to organization and still use a handwritten calendar or a notebook. It helps me to keep a handwritten list of daily tasks and important deadlines nearby; marking something off the list is extremely satisfying. It also helps that there are ten slots under every date on the calendar. Each slot represents about one hour of time. Once those ten are filled, there's no more room in the day. I have to say no if I'm asked to do anything else. I have a really hard time saying no, so the visual of a full day makes that easier for me. That's probably the best, but most difficult, advice I can give about time management. Know your limits.
Maurice: Are there any organizations or leaders you look to for inspiration?
Megan: This is a really tough question, because there are so many organizations and leaders just here in the New Orleans area doing amazing work. But if I have to choose one leader who really inspires me, it's Herreast Harrison. Through the Donald Harrison Sr. Foundation, which she began to honor the memory of her late husband, Mrs. Harrison has put more than 35,000 books--and counting!--into the hands of young people across Louisiana. She also unofficially mentors all who meet her, no matter who they are or where they come from. Somehow, despite her busy schedule, she always has time to sit down with you and share some of her wisdom. Mrs. Harrison has a true talent for making the person she's speaking to feel seen and valued. I often think "What would Mrs. Harrison do?" when I'm facing decisions about the work and having her example as my guiding star has never steered me wrong.
Maurice: You're such a hardworking person all around. What do you do for yourself? What brings you joy?
Megan: Live music! There is no better feeling than a good show, when the music is just right and the folks around me are feeling the same vibe I'm feeling. It's a joy like no other, and I carry that energy with me back into my work life. I say this often, and it's true every time: the music always finds me when I need it.
I might knock over the whole drinks table to touch the hem of Michael Cunningham’s garments. (Also, noted: The Hours soundtrack is all that stopping my work from ‘working’ lol.) Thank you for this reminder of all the ways to support literacy. I also love the line about empowering communities should be the focus of society 🫶🏽🫶🏽
wow, what a powerhouse of a woman and activist. always admire those who can manage to do so much with their time. feel like such a doofus with how i manage mine. maybe i should switch to a physical day planner lol