Stories get published. Books wind up on shelves in cozy bookshops. Films even get made from our literature. But it all has to start somewhere. Your favorite novel started as a goal the writer had. I’ve been a fan of goal setting for a long time, and I believe it’s never too late to do so. That’s why here in the last quarter of 2024, I ask what your goal is. After all, how can you know who you want to be, if you’re afraid to say it? Do you want to write a story? Go back to school? Find an agent? Get the big book contract? Or maybe your goal is more life oriented: pay off debt, find a better job, start a new wellness program?
I’ll go first. I’m revising my fourth book now. I have until sometime next year to finish, but I hope to be just about done with it by February.
Drop your goal, big or small in the comments! Thanks…
Get my 2nd manuscript into submission shape and find a good place to submit it.
Pretty late to this, sorry. I guess one goal would be to keep up with newsletters! But my main goal now is to find an agent. I'm closer than ever before, and I know the journey by no means stops once I'm at that step but at least I'll have someone in my corner to pursue further goals