Appreciated this post! I write in bursts, just as you describe, and spend the rest of the time fretting about how I can't seem to focus on writing. I had the opposite thing with my laptop happen though--I found that my laptop had become a source of distraction and I needed to go back to pen and paper to stop myself from getting sucked into the internet, and also to purposely slow down my racing brain a little.

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That's wonderful! I'm glad you figured out what works for you.

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Congrats on the paperback! An excuse to buy another copy . . .

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Thanks. It's a sweet looking book! 💜

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Wow, I must have some Virgo in me . . . And again, perfect timing. Was realizing this morning that my thirties upchucking and seemingly dithering on the page was in addition to building practice, discovering myself, learning to solve my own problems and most importantly perhaps, recognizing finally that my brain did indeed work.

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Hahah! I'm glad you came to the realization.

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