Another fantastic, resonating listen. I think you're right about first visiting the zone (very much like ST'S Nexus) when we're younger. I think for me that was between 15-18, though it still persists when I discovered two zones actually. For me, there's a zone when everything just clicks into place, storywise, little connections that suddenly make everything clear and make me feel visited by the genii of everywhere I've visited. Then there's a different zone when the writing just flows. I discovered that to a greater extent during lockdowns, where I basically wrote all day - great for my books but not my eyes. I'd put on almost 10 hour playlists and just descend, or ascend, into the writing and hammer out words with no distractions. Both do have a kind of spiritual feel in different ways. Not a great example but I just went to a Michaelangelo exhibition and maybe one zone is like listening for the approval some religious figure and the other is just trusting the process of being a good person.
The zone is a magical place. I've found the best way to sabotage my writing it to overthinking. I’ll struggle, lose sleep, write and rewrite s**t. Now I have a basic premise for a story, I sit at my computer, fingers lightly touching the keyboard and close my eyes. I feel my mind clear and I just start writing. The zone will usually last for 2000 words or so. It's a wonderful place to be. Thank you for your inspiration Diana
Another fantastic, resonating listen. I think you're right about first visiting the zone (very much like ST'S Nexus) when we're younger. I think for me that was between 15-18, though it still persists when I discovered two zones actually. For me, there's a zone when everything just clicks into place, storywise, little connections that suddenly make everything clear and make me feel visited by the genii of everywhere I've visited. Then there's a different zone when the writing just flows. I discovered that to a greater extent during lockdowns, where I basically wrote all day - great for my books but not my eyes. I'd put on almost 10 hour playlists and just descend, or ascend, into the writing and hammer out words with no distractions. Both do have a kind of spiritual feel in different ways. Not a great example but I just went to a Michaelangelo exhibition and maybe one zone is like listening for the approval some religious figure and the other is just trusting the process of being a good person.
Thank you, Harvey! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The zone is a magical place. I've found the best way to sabotage my writing it to overthinking. I’ll struggle, lose sleep, write and rewrite s**t. Now I have a basic premise for a story, I sit at my computer, fingers lightly touching the keyboard and close my eyes. I feel my mind clear and I just start writing. The zone will usually last for 2000 words or so. It's a wonderful place to be. Thank you for your inspiration Diana
How wonderful! Thank you for sharing, Diana.